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Thinking on your feet
Posted by Peter Harris
9/20/2018  12:36:00 AM
Hi .. I have been taking lessons for about 2 years and have quite a few moves that i can complete easily. I learn quickly and have good rhythm. However when I try to put this into practice outside of the classroom every thing goes to pot! I don't forget or lose my sense of rhythm (which is reassuring) I have extreme difficulty thinking on my feet.. what do I lead next? that leads to stress and my mind goes blank and I'm in for 3 minutes of torture for us both!! I see the problem is worse when I am tired. I've no doubt its linked to my mental abilities.. I'm no fool, I have a good job, speak more than one language ... So my question here is how can I practice/learn this skill? Yes I know I just need to get out there and dance but the experience is so negative it will stop me dancing if I don't find a way soon. I am looking for some sort of mental drill that I can do away from the dance floor to train my brain (ha that rhymes ) in fact any tips to get past this would be great!
Re: Thinking on your feet
Posted by Peter Harris
9/20/2018  1:55:00 AM
To get things started I have thought of a few exercise.. please add your comments, alternatives and improvements!!
1, Put play a tune you might dance to. While it plays list your moves until the end of the song. Count them and repeat.
2 In two minutes list all the easy moves you can.
3 In two minutes list all the improvers moves you can.
4 create a choreographer using easy moves in 3 minutes .. different starting move each time
5 as above but including improvers moves as well.
6 List the moves you have difficulty with and practice them till you don't have to think how to do them.. just think about the next move
Re: Thinking on your feet
Posted by nloftofan1
9/21/2018  10:05:00 AM
Other people have (or have had) your problem. I know I have. My wife and I have been dancing for a good while now, but I remember that when we were getting started it helped to make up a small amalgamation for each dance style. That takes away the problem of worrying about what to do next, moment to moment. And if you depart from the amalgamation for some reason, the dance police aren't going to get you.

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